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Chris is currently the Managing Director and President of TDK Canada.  Chris leads this R&D Team in Calgary, Canada, towards creation and design of next generation navigation software for improved positioning of consumer devices and autonomous driving platforms. 

Chris co-founded Trusted Positioning Inc., a software navigation company, in 2009, which was acquired in 2014 by InvenSense Inc., and which now operates under TDK ownership.  Chris served as the CEO & CTO of Trusted Positioning for 3 years and lead the acquisition initiative after building the company from the ground up.

Chris serves on the following Boards or Advisory Boards:

·       President & Board of Directors for Trusted Positioning Inc.

·       Board of Directors for Sensoplex Canada

·       Advisory Board for SeeO2 Energy Inc.

·       Advisory Board for iFasion Corp.

·       Business Advisory Committee for Tecterra Inc.

·       Chair of the Institute of Navigation, Alberta section

Chris has a PhD in Geomatics Engineering from the University of Calgary and a BSc degree in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo.  Chris has over 50 publications related to multi-sensor navigation systems and is an inventor or co-inventor on over 20 patents.

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